This Timeless Moment photos by Stefan Klopp

South Africa Restraint of Trade Contract

Restriction of trade agreements, often referred to as restraint of trade contracts, are commonly used in South Africa to protect the interests of employers and prevent their employees from working for their competitors. However, these agreements can be tricky to navigate and enforce, and it`s essential to understand their implications before signing on the dotted line.

What is a Restraint of Trade Agreement?

A restraint of trade agreement is a legal contract that prohibits an employee from engaging in certain activities after leaving their employer. These prohibited activities typically include starting a competing business or working for a competitor within a specific geographic area and timeframe.

The purpose of these agreements is to protect the employer`s legitimate business interests, such as confidential information, client relationships, and trade secrets. By restricting the employee`s ability to engage in specific activities, the employer can prevent them from using their insider knowledge to benefit a competitor.

Restraint of trade agreements are common in South Africa, particularly in industries such as finance, technology, and professional services. However, these agreements must be reasonable and enforceable, or they risk being declared invalid by the courts.

Enforcing a Restraint of Trade Contract

In South Africa, enforcing a restraint of trade contract involves proving that the agreement is reasonable and necessary to protect the employer`s legitimate interests. The courts will consider factors such as the duration, geographic scope, and nature of the prohibited activities when assessing the reasonableness of the agreement.

If the employer can demonstrate that the agreement is reasonable, the court will enforce it, and the employee will be restricted from engaging in the prohibited activities. However, if the court deems the agreement to be overly restrictive or unnecessary, it may declare the agreement invalid, and the employee will be free to engage in the prohibited activities.

Tips for Employees

If you`re an employee considering signing a restraint of trade agreement, there are several things you should keep in mind. First, read the agreement carefully and understand the scope of the prohibited activities. If you`re unsure about any aspect of the agreement, seek legal advice before signing.

Secondly, consider the potential impact on your future employment prospects. If the agreement restricts you from working in your chosen field or geographic area, it may limit your job opportunities in the future.

Finally, negotiate the terms of the agreement where possible. If you feel the agreement is overly restrictive, speak to your employer about amending the terms to something more reasonable.


Restraint of trade agreements are a common feature of employment contracts in South Africa. However, they can be complex and challenging to enforce. Therefore, it`s essential to understand the implications of such agreements before signing them, seek legal advice where appropriate, and negotiate the terms where possible. By doing so, you can protect your interests and ensure a fair and equitable agreement for all parties involved.

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